Quick FITKPod Update from the Adirondacks

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Hey everybody, haven’t heard from me in a while, right? Listen for a quick update on what’s been happening, where I am, and what to look forward to.

I went on a hike this morning in the woods up here in the Adirondack Mountains, where I’m on vacation this week.  I have been getting up at 5:30 every morning and walking around the camp and trails without another soul in sight.  It’s been quite lovely for this introvert.  This is a picture of the trail I was on this morning, with the sun poking through the fog.  Here in this part of the country, it’s daylight at 5:30 and full on sun by 7….  That’s about the time this was taken.   While I was out there, I took my recorder and recorded this little how-do-you-do for your listening pleasure.

Yesterday, we went up a really high incline to a peak with a super tall fire tower that we were able to climb up and see for miles and miles around.  Here’s a pic I took up there.

So maybe you can understand how I’ve been pretty busy lately.  No worries.  The podcast will be back up and running soon!