Episode 17: Ian Ridenhour

Deep among the rolling hills and misty mountains of Western North Carolina lives a charismatic young man who has already,…...

Episode 17: Ian Ridenhour


Deep among the rolling hills and misty mountains of Western North Carolina lives a charismatic young man who has already, in his first 20 years on earth, managed to release 3 albums and 5 professionally produced music videos, sharing with the world music that is complex, rich, intense, vulnerable, cathartic, energetic, and gently explosive.  This kid is Ian Ridenhour, and I'm really excited to finally get a chance to sit with him and pick his brain a little.

Ian has been playing music since before he knew what music even was.  All he knew was that that spoon and that pot made a sound that shook his little musical genius into being, and it hasn't stopped since.  I have so much to share with you on here, so I will stop yammering and start sharing.  Follow him on Facebook and Twitter to keep up to date on his shows, in person or virtual.  He has a website where you can buy his music and merch, and a YouTube channel where you will find a whole mess of videos, including the ones we chatted about during our conversation. Conveniently below!

And of course, Ian's appearance on "Who Wants to be a Millionaire." He puts the 'Mental' in Mental Math.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ksHwZeIhJcQ]


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