I met Jeromy when he was hired as the Production and Technical Coordinator at the church I was going…...
I met Jeromy when he was hired as the Production and Technical Coordinator at the church I was going to, and started noticing his really great eye for capturing moments on film, both in photos and video. He had such a great ability to connect with every single person he pointed a camera towards, and I wanted to know how he did it.
We met in his apartment for a nice laid back chat about his trip to Iceland with only 35 and 120mm film, how he connects with his subjects, especially the ones who are the most vulnerable, and the philosophical questions he asks himself whenever he sets his eye up to the viewfinder. We talk for a good long time about the man in the photo there, who Jeromy decided he would like to keep anonymous for the purpose of this podcast, because the man's story is a hard one, and Jeromy wanted to be sensitive to that. So don't be alarmed when the audio goes out whenever you hear a spot where you think should hear a name.
Such a great time with Jeromy, I hope you follow him everywhere.... Well, virtually, that is... He's on Instagram, @jeromylaux, and at his website, at lauxcreative.com
Here are a few more pics that might make more sense while listening.
Also turns out I didn't know him as well as I thought I did, but we get that out of the way in the first 15 seconds of the convo.
Oh yeah, here are a couple of pics from Jeromy's 8th grade trip to DC. An amazing eye for a little guy! (and a little fuzzy capitol building)
Music used for this episode includes excerpts from "The Park" and "Looks Like Rain", by great local songwriter, JT Hillier. Find him here. The FITK theme music was written and performed by me, and the FITK logo was designed by Sean Goodwin.