Hey everybody! I have something pretty cool to share with you. I've decided to give myself a little break from…...
Hey everybody! I have something pretty cool to share with you. I've decided to give myself a little break from producing the full episodes of Flies in the Kitchen, because I've been out of town a lot working a contract job that has long hours. My time has really just gotten chewed up (That wasn't the pretty cool part). I wanted to put something out there for you guys though, so I've decided to take some inspiration from Robbie Schaefer and his "Walk With Me" Podcast he's been sharing with his Patreon Community. In it he takes morning walks along bike trails, riverside paths, and other scenic and beautiful sounding locations, sharing thoughts and perspectives about a number of important topics of meaning. I also have been taking early morning walks, in the parking lot where I'm working (night shift), and so when I listened to his podcast yesterday morning, while I was walking, watching the sun come up, I decided, hey, why can't I do something like that? Be warned, it's not as serene as Robbie's, you'll mostly hear interstate traffic. But I enjoyed it.
So, during my semi-sabbatical, I'll be putting out a series of a few mini-episodes, checking out parts of the Human Condition that help us through times of struggle. All those things that navigate us through our moments, those elements that work together to build and shape us. It will include something creative, either a song or a poem or a writing of some sort, because art is a balm. Art is a connector, a way to communicate when words fail us. Art has a way, as Picasso reminds us, of washing away from the soul the dust of ordinary life.
Today, I'm starting with the positive. I could probably do a whole series on Laughter, but I've managed to keep it to 16 minutes. That picture up there is of my dear, long time friend, Jen W. I talk about her in this episode, and I figured this photo will help out. A lot.
Laughter is an interesting and confounding thing. Why do we laugh? How does it happen? What's the purpose? Well, sorry, I don't really answer those questions, but there is an important element to laughter that we could all learn from. I mention this professor, Dr. Robert Provine. This video he is featured in is long, but such a great look at laughter! Check it out! Oh, and I promised a picture of my niece and nephews' treehouse. It really is an outstanding feat of Arborological Architecture. I bet you're picturing yourself inside on that mattress now, huh?
Can't you just hear the crickets? Can't you?