Episode 02: Anthony Mossburg

[podcast src=”https://html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/5258856/height/90/theme/custom/thumbnail/yes/direction/forward/render-playlist/no/custom-color/88AA3C/” width=”100%” height=”90″ scrolling=”no” class=”podcast-class” frameborder=”0″ placement=”top” use_download_link=”” download_link_text=”Download Episode!” primary_content_url=”http://traffic.libsyn.com/fitkpod/FITK_Ep_02.mp3″ theme=”custom” custom_color=”88AA3C” libsyn_item_id=”5258856″ /]Anthony and I sat down in the green room of the Peoples Bank Theatre in Marietta, OH and had a great conversation.  We were performing there for an event that night, and since we were going to be in the same place at the same time, we decided to show up a couple of hours early so we could record this interview.

Anthony’s been through it.  We talk about his plans for a pro football career, his time in the Christian Contemporary Music world, and how sharing a music video with someone on Twitter earned him a spot at the blind auditions on The Voice. He’s all over the web; you can find him on YouTube, Facebook and ReverbNation.  You can also go straight to the source at www.anthonymossburg.com.  Oh, and head over to his Instagram account, and you can see some of his drawings as well.

Songs featured on this episode were Whiskey & Wine, from his Self Titled Album, his new single, “My Drug”, and “I Close My Eyes”, from ‘Crazy’, All of which and more you can find on iTunes.

So obviously, we weren’t in a sound proof studio recording this conversation, so you’re going to hear a little creaking floorboards and footsteps above us on the stage.  At one point, even a group of sweet ladies brought in sandwiches for the performers.  They really were great sandwiches. Chicken salad. Yum.

Also, full disclosure, I really messed up the levels this time, and the audio isn’t going to sound as good as I had hoped.  Live and learn, I’ll do better next time.  Thanks for your patience with me.. I’ still pretty new at this! I’m sure that you’ll forget about it as soon as you hear Anthony telling his story.  It’s a good one.

As always, please subscribe on iTunes or wherever you listen to your podcasts, and let me know what you think at @FITKPod on Facebook on Twitter!

