Episode 24: Paisha Thomas
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This woman right here has a story to tell, and it is massive. I met with her a week ago today (as of the uploading of this episode), and we chatted about her brand new memoir “Looking for Innocence”, as well as a whole lot of other things, and there were still topics we left out. So I encourage you to do your own research and find out as much as you can about Paisha, and follow what she’s up to (spoiler – it’s a lot).
Here are a few things we talked about for you to check out:
Paisha’s Bandcamp Page
Her Youtube Music Page
Melissa McFadden: Walking the Thin Black Line
Edie Driskill’s Podcast, The Future of Policing in Columbus
Betty Lavette: A Woman Like Me
American History Maker (And Paisha’s Cousin’s Aunt!) Margaret Peters
Also, Here are a couple of pictures of Paisha’s Pottery:
As well as a video of her Tiny Desk Concert submission featuring her song, “The Chicken or the Rent”
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YDPrL7LDc0g]