Episode 22: Dre Peace
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My first impression of Dre Peace was a wall of sound that almost knocked me over.. Which would have been embarrassing since I was sharing a stage with him at an event called Music in the Round. I had to know more about this guy just from the music and poetry coming from his mouth. Afterwards I learned a bit more about his story that locked it in for me. I had to get this guy on the show. So I am beyond excited to share this conversation with you.
Here is a link to the Facebook Live video that Dre’s manager was able to capture of his performance of “Change”, which we chat a lot about. I had a few issues including it on this page, so feel free to follow the link to watch it. There was a lot of reverb in that room, so it was hard to hear all the words, so I’ve included the lyrics below, along with a version performed by Dre and Liquid Crystal Project. (Along with a couple other videos you will enjoy!)
I had a great time chatting with Dre, and man, does he tell a good story. The hits don’t stop coming either, even while I’m finishing up the editing of this episode, and you’ll understand what I mean if you listen to the end!
“Change” Written by: Dre Peace
I felt my brother’s pain today. He left his good intentions and loving nature, at the side of his youngest brother’s body; at the corner of systemic racism and generational poverty. As I recall the words of my former world religion instructor, and how much “I wanted to believe that we were all the same.” No matter which creeds have divided us or somehow hidden their agenda to bring us together.
If there’s no difference there’s no change. Things will stay the same. And still the media will say there’s no rain and we’re all wet. No matter what they say. Whatever comes your way, just makes you stronger for today. You’re not alone, cuz we’re all wet.
Or if he is alone. Yelling to a sky of white stars and black backdrops. Where they are the forefront and we are the endless, massive void striving for the revenge of our ancestors’ work. Where his mother worries if he may not return from that trip to the corner store. Where high foreclosures and CPD are more important than FICO scores and IRAs. I said I wonder if the regression is truly neutral? Is our experience so isolated? But it feels so big. But it feels so deep and wide and present, and empty and low and negligent, and selfish and repetitive, and out of control. How could this happen? And you mean to tell me he’s not getting sentenced and my baby! And she was a good person and he had a daughter, and that was his youngest brother.
And today we call upon the prayer warriors, the soldiers, the lovers, the army, the unknown, the peacemakers to rise up and defend our existence with light.