Episode 07: Ruvane

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Wow, this guy.

Ruvane has been making music his job for a long time.  I got a chance to sit with him in his “Atmosphere Room” (I erroneously called it his Control Room) in his basement studio for a nice long chat.  We talked about his history, his unique style, how he took a genre and made it his own, and also a good bit about his monopoly on the Coin Guitar Picks industry…  Here’s a picture of one he mentioned in the conversation.

It’s an 1853 Burma Myanmar 5 Mu Mindon Min 91.7% Silver coin.  Pretty beautiful. I found it on the site…  It’s as amazing as he described it.


 Plus a couple of bass picks for me!

Be sure and check out his online presence at Ruvane Music and Coin Guitar Picks, plus of course his Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter presence, at @RuvaneMusic and @CoinGuitarPicks.

Of course, I didn’t even get to the Ruvane’s Blend Coffee  or his specially designed Bonfire Boost guitar pedal!  But please check these things out… Ruvane has his hands in just about everything… It’s a little intimidating.  But I’ll get over it.

You can find Ruvane’s music on iTunes and Google Play, and on his webpage, along with just about everything else… Enjoy!  This was a fun one.


Photo Credit: Matt Lydy